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School: Holmgreen Jr-sr H S
State: TX
Other schools in this district:
1) Mi Casa Day School
2) School Aged Parenting Program
3) Voc Transition Prog
4) Sp Ed Night Sch
5) Baptist Children's Home
6) Northside Habilitation Ctr
7) Holmes H S
8) Medical Center Hospital
9) Jay H S
10) Marshall H S
11) Tom Clark H S
12) Goals-villa Rosa
13) Homebound
14) Health Careers H S
15) Sunset H S
16) William H Taft H S
17) Northside Alter Sch
18) Com Guid Ctr
19) Southwest Neuropsychiatric Ins
20) Bexar Co J J A E P
21) Sandra Day O'connor H S
22) Challenge H S

Holmgreen Jr-sr H S

District: Northside Isd
Phone: (210)617-5460
Address: 8580 Ewing Halsell
San Antonio , TX 78229-3719
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Special education school
Total students: 84 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 20.7
Student to teacher ratio: 4.1