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School: Holmes H S
State: TX
Other schools in this district:
1) Mi Casa Day School
2) School Aged Parenting Program
3) Voc Transition Prog
4) Sp Ed Night Sch
5) Baptist Children's Home
6) Northside Habilitation Ctr
7) Medical Center Hospital
8) Jay H S
9) Marshall H S
10) Holmgreen Jr-sr H S
11) Tom Clark H S
12) Goals-villa Rosa
13) Homebound
14) Health Careers H S
15) Sunset H S
16) William H Taft H S
17) Northside Alter Sch
18) Com Guid Ctr
19) Southwest Neuropsychiatric Ins
20) Bexar Co J J A E P
21) Sandra Day O'connor H S
22) Challenge H S

Holmes H S

District: Northside Isd
Phone: (210)706-7000
Address: 6500 Ingram Rd
San Antonio , TX 78238-3999
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 3026 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 175.0
Student to teacher ratio: 17.3