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School: Culpeper Juvenile Corr Ctr
State: VA
Other schools in this district:
1) Barrett Juvenile Corr Ctr
2) Paul S Blandford Sch @ Beau
3) Joseph Mastin Sch @ Bon Air
4) Reception And Diagnostic Cntr
5) John H Smyth Sch @ Hanover Juv
6) Natural Bridge Juv. Cor. Ctr
7) Oak Ridge Juvenile Corr Ctr
8) Beaumont Expansion Juvn Cor Ct

Culpeper Juvenile Corr Ctr

District: Department Of Correctional Education
Phone: (540)727-3314
Address: 12240 Coffeewood Dr
Mitchells , VA 22729-
(get map)
Location: Rural (inside MSA)
Type of school: Other/alternative school
Total students: 91 (details)
Total full-time teachers: M
Student to teacher ratio: M