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School: Boys Town
State: TX
Other schools in this district:
1) Santa Rosa
2) Burbank H S
3) Edison H S
4) Fox Technical H S
5) Highlands H S
6) Houston H S
7) Jefferson H S
8) Lanier H S
9) Brackenridge H S
10) Adelante Acad
11) Healy-murphy
12) Homebound
13) Siedel Learning Center
14) Alamo Achievement Ctr
15) Children's Comprehensive Serv
16) Inman Center
17) The Bridge
18) Juvenile Detent Ctr

Boys Town

District: San Antonio Isd
Phone: (210)299-5500
Address: 141 Lavaca St
San Antonio , TX 78210-1039
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Other/alternative school
Total students: 28 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 1.0
Student to teacher ratio: 28.0