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School: Mccormick Correctional Inst.
State: SC
Other schools in this district:
1) Leath Correctional Center
2) Lee Correctional Institute
3) Trenton Correctional Institute
4) Turbeville Correctional Center
5) Stevenson Correctional
6) Evans Correctional Institute
7) Ridgeland Correctional
8) Kershaw Correctional
9) Women's Correctional Center
10) Wateree River Correctional Ins
11) Allendale Correctional Inst.
12) Broad River Correctional Inst.

Mccormick Correctional Inst.

District: Palmetto Unified School District
Phone: (864)443-2114
Address: Route 2 box 100
Mccormick , SC 29835-9697
(get map)
Location: Rural (outside MSA)
Type of school: Other/alternative school
Total students: 2 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 2.6
Student to teacher ratio: .8