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School: Schenley Hs
State: PA
Other schools in this district:
1) Allderdice Hs
2) Carrick Hs
3) Langley Hs
4) Perry Traditional Academy
5) South Vo-tech Hs
6) Westinghouse Hs
7) Oliver Hs
8) Peabody Hs
9) Mcnaugher Sp Ed Ctr
10) Pioneer Ed Ctr
11) Conroy Ed Ctr
12) Letsche Ed Ctr
13) Brashear Hs
14) St Francis Hospital
15) Pittsburgh Hs Creat & Per Arts

Schenley Hs

District: Pittsburgh Sd
Phone: (412)622-8200
Address: 4410 Bigelow Blvd
Pittsburgh , PA 15213-2661
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 1283 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 90.0
Student to teacher ratio: 14.3