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School: R B Glenn High
State: NC
Other schools in this district:
1) Career Center
2) Carver High
3) East Forsyth High
4) Mount Tabor High
5) North Forsyth High
6) Independence High
7) Parkland High
8) Reynolds High
9) Forsyth Vocational High
10) West Forsyth High
11) Homebound/hospital Educ Ctr

R B Glenn High

District: Forsyth County Schools
Phone: (336)771-4500
Address: 1600 Union Cross Rd
Kernersville , NC 27284-7537
(get map)
Location: Rural (inside MSA)
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 1239 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 72.0
Student to teacher ratio: 17.2