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School: Reno High School
State: NV
Other schools in this district:
1) Wooster High School
2) Reed High School
3) Gerlach High School
4) Incline High School
5) Hug High School
6) Sparks High School
7) Washoe High School
8) Galena High School
9) Mcqueen High School
10) Occupational Center
11) Esl Center
12) Tmcc Magnet High School
13) I Can Do Anything Charter School

Reno High School

District: Washoe County School District
Phone: (775)322-6953
Address: 395 Booth Street
Reno , NV 89509-1318
(get map)
Location: Mid-size City
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 1722 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 85.0
Student to teacher ratio: 20.3