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School: Martyn, John H, High School
State: LA
Other schools in this district:
1) Alfred Bonnabel High School
2) East Jefferson High School
3) Ehret, John, High School
4) Fisher Middle/high School
5) Grand Isle High School
6) L. W. Higgins High School
7) King, Grace, High School
8) Riverdale High School
9) West Jefferson High School
10) Joseph A. Cuillier Sr. Career Center

Martyn, John H, High School

District: Jefferson Parish School Board
Phone: (504)833-3711
Address: 1108 Shrewsbury Road
Jefferson , LA 70121-1898
(get map)
Location: Urban Fringe of Large City
Type of school: Special education school
Total students: 104 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 13.0
Student to teacher ratio: 8.0