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School: Metro Meridian Alt High
State: KS
Other schools in this district:
1) Levy Sp Ed Center
2) Sowers Special Education Center
3) East High
4) Metro Blvd Alt High
5) North High
6) South High
7) Southeast High
8) West High
9) Heights High
10) Northwest High
11) Chisholm Life Skills Center
12) Metro Midtown Alt High
13) Northeast Magnet High & Downtown Law Campus

Metro Meridian Alt High

District: Wichita
Phone: (316)973-0550
Address: 301 S Meridian
Wichita , KS 67213-2691
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 173 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 9.5
Student to teacher ratio: 18.2