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School: Harrison High School
State: GA
Other schools in this district:
1) Walton High School
2) Osborne High School
3) North Cobb High School
4) Wheeler High School
5) Mceachern High School
6) Campbell High School
7) Sprayberry High School
8) Pebblebrook High School
9) South Cobb High School
10) Lassiter High School
11) Oakwood High School
12) Pope High School
13) Kennesaw Mountain High School

Harrison High School

District: Cobb County
Phone: (770)528-6638
Address: 4500 Due West Rd
Kennesaw , GA 30144-3855
(get map)
Location: Urban Fringe of Large City
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 2282 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 128.6
Student to teacher ratio: 17.7