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School: O'connell (john A.) High
State: CA
Other schools in this district:
1) School Of The Arts (high)
2) Marshall (thurgood) Academic High
3) Abraham Lincoln High
4) Balboa High
5) Downtown High (cont.)
6) Galileo High
7) George Washington High
8) Mcateer (j. Eugene) High
9) Lowell High
10) Mission High
11) Wells (ida B.) Altern./cont. High
12) Newcomer High (lep)
13) Leadership High (char)
14) Life Learning Academy Charter #140
15) Gateway High (charter #141)
16) Independence High (alter.)
17) Mark Twain High (cont.)
18) Raoul Wallenberg Traditional High
19) Burton (phillip & Sala) Academic High
20) International Studies Academy

O'connell (john A.) High

District: San Francisco Unified
Phone: (415)759-2724
Address: 1920 41st Ave.
San Francisco , CA 94116-1101
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 413 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 30.0
Student to teacher ratio: 13.8