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School: Bostrom Alternative Center
State: AZ
Other schools in this district:
1) Alhambra High School
2) Metro Tech Vocational Institute Of Phoenix
3) Camelback High School
4) Carl Hayden High School
5) Central High School
6) Maryvale High School
7) South Mountain High School
8) Trevor Browne High School
9) North High School
10) Desiderata
11) Homebound
12) Cesar Chavez High School

Bostrom Alternative Center

District: Phoenix Union High School District
Phone: (602)271-2900
Address: 3535 N 27th Ave
Phoenix , AZ 85017-
(get map)
Location: Large City
Type of school: Other/alternative school
Total students: 330 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 18.0
Student to teacher ratio: 18.3