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School: Merreline A Kangas School
State: AK
Other schools in this district:
1) Wiseman Charter School
2) Allakaket School
3) Bettles School
4) Johnny Oldman School
5) Jimmy Huntington School
6) Kaltag School
7) Ella B. Vernetti
8) Gladys Dart School
9) Minto School
10) Andrew K. Demoski School

Merreline A Kangas School

District: Yukon/koyukuk Schools
Phone: (907)468-4465
Address: Box 68110
Ruby , AK 99768-0110
(get map)
Location: Rural (outside MSA)
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 47 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 5.8
Student to teacher ratio: 8.1