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School: Unalakleet Schools
State: AK
Other schools in this district:
1) Gambell Schools
2) Koyuk-malemute School
3) Hogarth Kingeekuk Sr. Memorial
4) Shishmaref School
5) James C. Isabell School
6) Wales-kingikmiut School
7) White Mountain School
8) Aniguiin School
9) Martin L. Olson School
10) Brevig Mission School
11) Shaktoolik School
12) Anthony A. Andrews School
13) Tukurngailnguq School
14) Diomede School

Unalakleet Schools

District: Bering Strait Schools
Phone: (907)624-3444
Address: General Delivery
Unalakleet , AK 99684-9999
(get map)
Location: Rural (outside MSA)
Type of school: Regular school
Total students: 216 (details)
Total full-time teachers: 18.0
Student to teacher ratio: 12.0